Game Day Planning for When You’re Ready to Sell Your Business

game-day-planningEvery business has its own unique characteristics. Every business owner’s story is different.

Our transition-planning process is rooted in actively listening to what the business owner has to say about personal goals and aspirations. This approach to fact gathering is integral to the successful design of the transition plan and is factored into each stage of its development. Ultimately, our goal is to bring your success and our expertise together to help fulfill your most ambitious goals.

Typically, a business owner’s workday is devoted to growing the bottom line, thereby, leaving little time to think about succession planning. To some owners, even the mention of succession signals entrance into the twilight of their business career—understandably, an unsettling thought.

To allow enough time for a transition plan to help optimize the owner’s future wealth, it takes a perceptive businessperson willing to abandon a wait-and-see mentality and, instead, get the planning process underway years before retirement. While we recognize this is not always possible, we can still be of help even to those owners who have managed to let time slip away.

How far in advance should a business owner begin the process of constructing a succession plan? Will Rogers perspective on timing is . . .

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

—Will Rogers